BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents in ProjectForce > Importing documents into ProjectForce > About the Add Wizard icons

About the Add Wizard icons

The icons in the Add Wizard provide helpful information about the actions about to be performed by the wizard and the status of the selected documents.

The A column displays an icon indicating the validity of the action selected in the Action column. The following table lists the possible icons and their descriptions:

Action column icon descriptions



The action can be completed.

The action can be completed, but see the icon in the S column and read the warning in the bottom-left column of the dialog.

The action cannot be completed. See the icon in the S column and read the warning in the bottom-left column of the dialog.

The S column displays an icon indicating the status of the document. The following table lists the possible icons and their descriptions:

Status column icon descriptions



Does not yet exist in the library.

Already exists in the library. Proceeding will import a duplicate document.

Compound document that does not yet exist in the library. Confirm that the external references already exist in the libraryor will also be imported.

Checked out by you.

Checked out by a different user.


Compound document checked out by you.

Compound document checked out by a different user.

Compound document that already exists in the library. Proceeding will import a duplicate document.

Document with circular references.

Compound document with circular references.

Compound document that is released.

Document without a content file attached.

Compound document without a content file attached.

Related tasks

Importing documents into ProjectForce

Sending documents to ProjectForce

Copying documents out of the vault

Emailing documents and links

Emailing a link

Emailing a copy of a document

Emailing a document and a link

Exporting documents

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